From our humble beginnings to today, Catholic Charities Hawai‘i (CCH) has been providing programs and resources to families and individuals throughout Hawaii. For the past ten years, Catholic Charities Hawai‘i has been providing supportive case management services at Hale Wai Vista in Waianae, O‘ahu. Hale Wai Vista is an affordable housing complex with a community center that provides homes to low-income multigenerational households, single parents with children, kupuna, veterans and persons with disabilities.
Bobby and Terry, who are parents at Hale Wai Vista, were seeking legal support for their child with a disability who was turning 18 years old. They were planning ahead to assist Maia to make cognitive independent decisions and to find a place in the community equipped to help her with essential life skills. At Hale Wai Vista, a CCH social worker was there to connect the family with legal advice. The family was able to gain legal custody of Maia and secure pro-bono legal services. By gaining legal custody, Bobby and Terry continue to have a say in Maia’s future and are able to be involved with furthering her education. Today, Maia participates in Community Based Instruction (CBI), a program with the Department of Education at a local high school.
“… I was at a breaking point and didn’t know what to do. CCH connected us with legal assistance and what a BLESSING that was for all of us! CCH was with us through the process which allowed us to be able to assist our daughter make important decisions that will affect her life long term. CCH is connecting my daughter to resources for persons with disabilities which will give her other opportunities in her life.”
Catholic Charities Hawaii’s programs like Hale Wai Vista works toward building and strengthening relationships that allow families to stay together for a brighter future.