Connie Yu-Pampalone

Connie Yu-Pampalone
Asset Manager
Incorporated in 1999 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization operating as an affiliate of Catholic Charities Hawai‘i(CCH), Catholic Charities Housing Development Corporation (CCHDC) owns, develops, and manages real estate properties in an effort to provide affordable housing for the elderly, those with special needs, and the socially or economically disadvantaged in our community.
With the recent completion of its affordable rental projects for seniors on O‘ahu (Meheula Vista) and Maui (Kahului Lani), CCHDC plans to break ground during the second quarter of 2025 on a 178-unit affordable housing complex for qualified families in Kahului, called Hale Pilina.
Connie Yu-Pampalone is the Asset Manger for CCHDC. As a licensed real estate broker with 20 years of property and asset management experience, Connie is the perfect person for this position. She also earned several property management and HUD/LIHTC compliance certifications.
“Connie has been the back-bone of this Corporation for the past several years in assisting with the oversight of CCHDC’s properties and project financing and I’m really looking forward to working with her,” said Denise Iseri-Matsubara, the agency’s new Executive Director.
Prior to joining CCHDC, Connie was the Director of Asset Management for the Pacific Housing Assistance Corporation (PHAC) – a non-profit housing developer that has developed several low-income housing projects in the state of Hawaii. Before that, Connie was the Regional Marketing Manager for the Winn Companies, a national affordable housing developer and asset management company based in Boston, Massachusetts dedicated to making positive contributions to the communities they serve.