Catholic Charities Hawai‘i, Hilo TARGET Store, and various first responders held its third annual “Heroes and Helpers” event this morning to support and bring joy to our local community.
Children were partnered with members of the Hawaii Police Department, Hawaii Fire Department, Hawaii Air National Guard, DLNR, and other agencies. Each youth was also given a $100 Target gift card for their Christmas shopping.
The 3st Annual Heroes and Helpers is a collaborative, community event coordinated by Catholic Charities Hawai‘i (CCH), Hilo TARGET Store comprised of various agencies including Hawaii Police Department, Hawaii Fire Department. Hawaii Air National Guard, DLNR, and other partner agencies. This special event brings much needed holiday joy to teens and young children during the holidays, while fostering positive relationships between the youth and the officers and other first responders. The 2023 focus is primarily keiki and youth from the Hilo to Kau District.
This year’s event is the largest to date with nearly 100 keiki receiving a $100 Target gift card for their Christmas shopping. Funded by Catholic Charities Hawaii, Target Corporation, American Savings Bank, Hawaiian Electric, Ed Olsen Trust, VFW Post 3875, and other listed below:
- Hawaii Police Department – HPD
- Hawaii Fire Department – HFD
- Hawaii Air National Guard
- Hawaii Army National Guard
- Department of Land and Natural Resources – DLNR
- Sheriffs Department of Hilo
- Hawaii Prosecuting Attorney Office – Kelden Waltjen
- Santa – Neil Azevedo (DPW)
Helpers / Volunteers:
- Target Stores
- Catholic Charities Hawai’i
- Hawaiian Electric
- Starbucks
- Office of Prosecuting Attorney Kelden Waltjen
- VFW Post 3830 Pahoa
- Hawaii Police Department
- State of Hawaii Department of Health
- State of Hawaii Department of Labor
- JeiAngel Digital Design
- Target Stores
- Catholic Charities Hawaii
- Hawaiian Electric
- Veterans of Foreign Wars Hilo Post 3830
- Matson
- Punaluu Bakery
- Kawamoto Store
- Starbucks
- Waiakea Water
- Ed Olsen Trust
- American Savings Bank
Read more about the event here.