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Transforming Lives Through Maili Land Transitional Housing Program

Born and raised in Nanakuli, Jontei and Robert faced many ups and downs. They had jobs and raised their children, but somewhere in between, challenges arose and substance abuse crept in. This eventually led them to a tent on the beach and their children being removed by Child Protective Services. During their efforts to cope […]

Aging in Place with Our Support

“We help our kupuna by exploring the range of benefits and resources available to them, including those provided by CCH, such as transportation, in-home support, housing assistance and more. It’s all geared toward giving seniors the opportunity to stay home and remain independent and engaged,” says Diane Terada, division administrator for community & senior services […]

A Better Life With CCH’s Housing First Program on Kauai

This wasn’t the way he pictured his life. And it came to a point where Gregory said, “I can’t do this anymore.” After living without adequate shelter on and off for years and mounting medical issues including heart disease, he received a referral to Catholic Charities Hawai‘i (CCH) on Kaua‘i. After working with his case […]

Providing Support to Those in Need in the Community

Camille Simon’s passion for social services started at an early age as she saw her parents struggle with their own vices. She experienced the effects of substance abuse and then later, homelessness. “Because I was impacted by all of those things at a young age, it created a huge passion in me to help others,” […]

Providing Housing Assistance at Our Family Assistance Center

Catholic Charities Hawai‘i offers many housing programs providing transitional housing, permanent housing placement, counseling, financial assistance, case management, employment training, budgeting and tenant education. Learn more about how one of these programs, the Family Assessment Center, assists unsheltered families in Central Honolulu. The Family Assessment Center is just one of Catholic Charities Hawai‘i’s housing […]

Heroes and Helpers Event Reaches Out to Keiki in Need

Catholic Charities Hawaii’s Annual Shop with a Cop event looked very different this year at the Hilo Target Store. Due to COVID-19 the event pivoted to a drive-thru, contactless affair and was renamed “Heroes and Helpers, held this past Saturday, December 5 to bring together 63 children and their families who are facing hardships. The […]

Giving Back to the Neighbor Island Communities

Everyone should be given the opportunity to enjoy the spirit of the holiday season. Mahalo to our community partners on the neighbor islands who helped us share that holiday spirit with others. Here are some of our neighbor island event highlights: Christmas in Kaʻū A community food and gift distribution drive was held on December […]

A Home that is Ours

Alex will always remember May 24, 2021 – the day he moved into his very first home with his daughter Hulali. Life certainly hasn’t always been full of happy milestones for Alex who spent a year being homeless, struggled with substance abuse and almost lost custody of his only daughter. He was recovering from an […]

Stuffed with Aloha

Together we can make a difference! Join the Catholic Charities Hawai‘i team to provide help and hope to families, youth, seniors and individuals facing hardship or crisis during the holidays and throughout the year! We are blessed to have so many in our ‘ohana who are generous with their gifts of time and donations. Fifteen […]

Supporting Families at the Family Assessment Center

Before the pandemic many were already trying to make ends meet only to have it unravel as the effects of the shutdown took hold. Like Jimmy, who fought hard to provide for his family and keep a roof over their heads when COVID-19 hit the food service industry hard in 2020. After losing his primary […]