Caring for Persons Living with Dementia Webinars and Presentations
Current Workshops
More workshops coming soon! In the meantime, revisit some of our former workshops.
2025 Workshops
Six Pillars of Brain Health: Best Lifestyle Practices for Caregivers, Aging Adults, and Providers
Presenter: Amy Kelley
2024 Workshops
Nutrition Guidance for Optimal Brain and Body Health
Presenter: Heidi Robertson
Living Alone with Dementia: Strategies for Support Part 1
Presenters: Mike Splaine, Kate Gordon, Stephen G. Post, & Susan E. Williams
Living Alone with Dementia: Strategies for Support, Part 2
Presenters: Mike Splaine, Kate Gordon, Stephen G. Post, & Susan E. Williams
Behavioral & Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD)
Presenters: Dr. Brett Lu, Aida Wen, MD, and Dorothy Colby
Dementia and Dysphagia (Swallowing Difficulties)
Presenters: Kathy Wyatt, Stacy Honma, & Joel Nakamura
Caregiver Respite through Adult Day Programs: Including Caring for those Living with Memory Loss
Presenters: Aida Wen, MD, and Dorothy Colby
Mental Wellness for Dementia Caregivers: Self-Care and Healing from Grief and Stress
Presenter: Mestisa C. Gass, PsyD
2023 Workshops

Essential Legal Planning Issues for Dementia
Presenter: James H. Pietsch, JD
Dementias Associated with Parkinsonism: Diagnosis and Management
Presenter: Web Ross, MD
Recognizing Delirium in Persons with Dementia
Presenter: Aida Wen, MD

Session 4 of 6
Part 1: Challenging Behaviors: Recognizing Unmet Needs
Presenter: Dorothy Colby

Session 5 of 6
Part II: Challenging Dementia Behaviors: Putting Together the Pieces of the Puzzle
Presenter: Dorothy Colby

Session 6 of 6
Dining with Dementia:
Bringing Joy to the Table
Presenter: Dorothy Colby

Session 1 of 6
Normal vs. Not Normal Aging: Understanding the Difference
Presenter: Dorothy Colby

Session 2 of 6
GEMS: More Than Just Loss
Dementia Progression Patterns
Presenter: Dorothy Colby

Session 3 of 6
It's All in Your Approach:
Making Positive Connections
Presenter: Dorothy Colby
2022 Workshops
What's the Difference between Alzheimer's and Dementia?
Presenter: Dr. Jason Karlawish
Challenging Dementia Behaviours, Depression & Dementia
Presenter: Dr. Aida Wen
Identifying and Managing a Dementia Behavior Crisis
Presenter: Dr. Aida Wen
Hazards of Hospitalization for Persons with Dementia
Presenter: Kamal Masaki, MD
Activities in Dementia Care: Filling the Day with Meaningful Engagement
Presenter: Dorothy Colby, PAC Trainer
Mental Health and Healing for Dementia Caregivers
Presenter: Mestisa C. Gass, PsyD
Can a Person with Dementia Live Alone?
Presenter: Michael Splaine
Challenging Situations In Dementia Care: Putting Together the Pieces of the Puzzle
Presenter: Dorothy Colby, PAC Trainer
Archived 2020-2021 Dementia Workshop Videos
Holiday Workshop for Dementia Caregivers
Presenter: Dorothy Colby, PAC Trainer
Diagnosing Dementia: Why it Matters, How it's Done and How it Can Help
Presenter: Terry R. Barclay, PhD
The Benefits of Hospice & Palliative Care for Persons with Advanced Dementia
Presenter: Emma Grote, MD, Medical Director, Navian Hawaii
Introduction to Geriatrics: Age-Friendly Health systems at the 4 Ms
Presenter: Kamal Masaki, MD
Recognition and Treatment of Behavioral Symptoms in Older Adults, with a Focus on Depression and Dementia
Presenter: Brett Lu, MD, PhD
Important Issues Related to Medications and Memory Loss in Older Adults
Presenter: Valisa Saunders, MN, APRN, GNP-BC
Working Together To Empower and Protect Persons Living with Dementia
PART 1: Using Decision Supports to Engage and Empower Persons Living with Dementia
Presenter: David Godfrey, J.D., American Bar Association, Commission on Law and Aging
PART 2: Adult Abuse – Risks for Persons Living with Dementia
Presenter: David Godfrey, J.D., American Bar Association, Commission on Law and Aging
PART 3, SESSION 1: Balancing Autonomy and Self-Determination with Best Interests and Protection for Persons Living with Dementia
Presenter: James H. Pietsch, J.D. – Professor of Law and Director of the University of Hawai’i Elder Law Program (UHELP)
Winter 2020 Zoom Workshop Series: Geriatrician Perspectives on Dementia, Caregiving, and Brain Health
Session 1: Healthy Brain Aging and Dementia
Presenters: Kamal Masak, MD and Aida Wen, MD
Session 2: Non-Medication Strategies for Dementia Behaviors
Presenters: Kamal Masak, MD and Aida Wen, MD
Session 3: Principles of Medication Use in Older People
Presenters: Kamal Masak, MD and Aida Wen, MD
Session 4: The Three D’s: Dementia, Delirium, and Depression: Knowing the Difference
Presenters: Kamal Masak, MD and Aida Wen, MD
Positive Approach to Dementia Care Workshop Series 2020
Session 1: Normal vs. Not Normal Aging – Understanding the Difference
Presenter: Dorothy Colby, PAC Trainer
Session 2: GEMS, More Than Just Loss – Dementia Progression Patterns
Presenter: Dorothy Colby, PAC Trainer
Session 3: It’s All in Your Approach – Making Positive Connections
Presenter: Dorothy Colby, PAC Trainer
Session 4: Challenging Behaviors: Recognizing Unmet Needs Slides and Handout
Presenter: Dorothy Colby, PAC Trainer
Session 5: End of Life Care & Letting Go – Providing Care in the Final Stages of Dementia
Presenter: Dorothy Colby, PAC Trainer
Session 6: Dining with Dementia – Techniques to Bring Joy to the Table
Presenter: Dorothy Colby, PAC Trainer
Special Added Session: Advance Care Planning and Dementia
Presenters: Dorothy Colby, PAC Trainer and Hope Young, Kokua Mau
2020 Zoom Educational Series Connecting the Dots: Your Alzheimer’s Association – Hawai'i
Session 1
Presenters: LJ R. Duenas, Executive Director and Tonya Hammond-Tullis, M.A.C., Program Specialist, Oahu
Session 2
Presenters: Steve Tam, former Director of Development; Volunteer Sponsorship Chair for Oahu Walk to End Alzheimer's, Former Caregiver
Session 3
Presenter: Tonya Hammond-Tullis, M.A.C., Program Specialist, Oahu
Session 4
Presenter: Christine Spencer, Maui County Regional Coordinator
Session 5
Presenter: LJ R. Duenas, Executive Director and Ian Ross, Public Policy and Advocacy Manager
Catholic Charities Hawaiiʻs “Circle of Care for Dementia” is made possible by a grant from the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ACL is the principal funder for Alzheimerʻs grants for states and local communities, and they have amassed an impressive archive of Reports and Toolkits, Webinars & Training, Quality Assurance & Measures, and resources for grantees.
Supported in part by grant No. 90ADPI0011-01-00 from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy. The grant was awarded to Catholic Charities Hawaii for the Alzheimer’s Disease Program Initiative.