Building Hope Together
Impactful Stories of Change

A Home that is Ours
Alex will always remember May 24, 2021 – the day he moved into his very first home with his daughter Hulali. Life certainly hasn’t always

Stuffed with Aloha
Together we can make a difference! Join the Catholic Charities Hawai‘i team to provide help and hope to families, youth, seniors and individuals facing hardship

Supporting Families at the Family Assessment Center
Before the pandemic many were already trying to make ends meet only to have it unravel as the effects of the shutdown took hold. Like

Help Hawai‘i’s Youth in Need Find Their Way to Adulthood
When you think about the things you’d do on your 18th birthday, chances are, moving homes isn’t one of them. That’s exactly where Steven* found

Supporting Foster Youth Through Our Hale Malama Program
Hale Malama is a specialized foster care program offered by Catholic Charities Hawai‘i. This program is for infants and toddlers with complex health care needs.

Guiding Foster Youth Through the Nā ‘Ohana Pulāma Program
As a baby, Leilani* was adopted by a loving family that included additional adopted children. However, after 12 years, the family needed additional support and