Benefits Enrollment Center
CCH’s Benefits Enrollment Center (BEC) helps Medicare recipients apply for benefits and assistive services they may be eligible for to ensure that they have access to services they need to maintain their health and independence. This includes assistance in applying for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) services. SNAP assists older adults with limited income access healthy and nutritional food. Older adults have not been utilizing this helpful program mainly due to the complex and lengthy application process.
Knowledgeable CCH staff members will work one-on one with individuals to walk them through the application process, assist in collecting necessary supporting documents, assist in filling out the application and help submit the application.

In addition to SNAP, the BEC can also assist in applying for the following benefits:
Medicare Extra Help/ Low Income Subsidy (LIS) – helps people on Medicare, who have limited income and assets, to pay for their Part D premiums, deductibles, and prescription copayments. There are two levels of Extra Help, depending on your income and asset level.
Medicare Savings Program (MSP) – helps people on Medicare, who have limited income and assets, to pay for Medicare A or B costs, such as co-pays, deductibles, and premiums.
MEDICAID – is a health insurance program available to people with limited income and assets. In addition to medical expenses, this program can help with home and community-based services or nursing home care for eligible individuals.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) – helps low-income households with utility bills.
Contact Our Senior Help Line
(808) 527-4777