2024 “Heroes and Helpers” Kahului Event Spreads Holiday Cheer to Maui’s Youth

Catholic Charities Hawai‘i, Kahului Target Store, and various first responders brought holiday cheer to Maui children this weekend at its second annual Target “Heroes and Helpers” event. Approximately 70 keiki, teens, and families were partnered at the Kahului Target store with members of the Hawaii National Guard, U.S. Coast Guard, Maui Fire Department, U.S. Army, Maui County, Kaiser Permanente, Maui Health and AMR paramedics. […]
Bringing Holiday Joy to the 2024 “Heroes and Helpers” Hilo Event

Bringing gifts and holiday joy to area teens and young children, Catholic Charities Hawaii (CCH), Hilo TARGET Store, and various first responder agencies held its fourth annual “Heroes and Helpers” event this morning. This year’s event at the Target Hilo store had a total of 50 young participants. With this year’s focus primarily with keiki […]